Gopala Gopala Starring Venkatesh, Pawan Kalyan, Shriya Saran, Nayanthara, Anju Asrani, Posani Krishna Murali, Krishnudu, Madhu Shalini, Raghu Babu, Ranganath, Rallapalli, Vennela Kishore, Prudhviraj, Diksha Panth. Directed by Kishore Kumar Pardasany, Produced by D Suresh Babu and Sharat Marar under Suresh Productions And North Star Entertainments Pvt. Ltd, Screenplay by Kishore Kumar Pardasany, Bhoopathy Raja, Deepak Raj. Story by Umesh Shukla, Bhavesh Mandalia.Music by Anoop Rubens, Cinematography Jayanan Vincent, Edited by Gautham Raju. Movie is going to Releasing on 14th January 2015 .