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Profile:Shreya Ghoshal Indian Best Singer Shreya Ghoshal pictures, Shreya Ghoshal Born 12th March 1984 in Durgapur West Bengal, Father's Name: Mr Biswajeet Ghoshal Mother's Name: Mrs. Ghoshal, Picture of Shreya Ghoshal, Shreya Ghoshal Wallpapers High Quality Photo Gallery of Shreya Ghoshal, Shreya Ghoshal has worked in more than 180 movies and now she is the leading, Sexy & Smoldering Hot Bollywood Pop Diva Shreya Ghoshal, shreya ghoshal, sreya ghoshal, shreya ghoshal photos, The main attraction of the event is Shreya Ghoshal's Musical Night
Tags:- Shreya Ghoshal Indian Best Singer Shreya Ghoshal pictures, Shreya Ghoshal Born 12th March 1984 in Durgapur West Bengal, Father's Name: Mr Biswajeet Ghoshal Mother's Name: Mrs. Ghoshal, Picture of Shreya Ghoshal, Shreya Ghoshal Wallpapers High Quality Photo Gallery of Shreya Ghoshal, Shreya Ghoshal has worked in more than 180 movies and now she is the leading, Sexy & Smoldering Hot Bollywood Pop Diva Shreya Ghoshal, shreya ghoshal, sreya ghoshal, shreya ghoshal photos, The main attraction of the event is Shreya Ghoshal's Musical Night