Nandamuri Balakrishna is giving his 100% for his upcoming movie, Legend. The actor reportedly lost 15 Kgs weight for the role in the movie. The actor is going to be seen in 3 different get ups in the movie and director Boyapati Srinu is taking good care not to allow any leak. In general lot of people meet Balayya daily. After the actor playing an important role in Telugu Desam Party, there are huge number of ticket aspirant coming down to Hyderabad and meeting the actor for support. But Balayya is reportedly instructed his security personnel not to allow any one on to sets. So, as to keep the movie details under wraps.
The movie shooting is going at brisk pace. The movie unit will go on a marathon schedule to Vishakapatnam in the first week of November. The makers are planning to release the movie in February 2014. There are huge expectations riding on the movie as the actor – director duo delivered a blockbuster, Simha in their last outing.