Recent Released Telugu Super Hit Movie Manam film now attacked by the mindless pirates. A print of this film was leaked into the Internet , This has been a big shock for the entire film Unit, Immediately before people starts download Anti Piracy team entered into the situation and Successfully removed all the pirated links around the Web , Many social networking posts stated that this is saddest send off to Akkineni Nageswara rao.
Piracy started from Khammam, Police caught more than 1000 Manam Piracy DVD's from various shops, Anti Piracy team is very serious on this issue, Culprits will be severely punished. If you found any Piracy links on Torrents of Manam please help in giving information to the Anti piracy team by mailing links to or by calling 040-23547823. Kill Piracy... Save Industry.
Piracy started from Khammam, Police caught more than 1000 Manam Piracy DVD's from various shops, Anti Piracy team is very serious on this issue, Culprits will be severely punished. If you found any Piracy links on Torrents of Manam please help in giving information to the Anti piracy team by mailing links to or by calling 040-23547823. Kill Piracy... Save Industry.