Early today a popular new paper of India posted some silly news about Shruti haasan and Suresh Raina affair and it went on social media with storm. Within hours it reached the main heads of industry who called up Suresh and Shruti to confirm regarding this, shocked to hear this both reacted fast on this silly rumor. Suresh raina took his Social networking account to shout on this rumor and he Tweeted "Too many media reports which no one even tries to confirm. This is to clear once & for all. I'm not dating ANYONE." Suresh Raina is now ready to file a case on paper for posting false news but it will happen only after IPL finishes. Shruthi haasan did not react directly but said what she want to say with help of his manager, according to reports Shruthi haasan manager reacted on this saying "There is no such thing about Shruti dating Suresh Raina. Shruti is very busy with work."